
Welcome to the My Memories Box trial!

The purpose of this video is to try out My Memories Box.  We have included three general questions that you will have access to at the end.
As this is a trial, only short answers, between 30 – 60 seconds are possible.
(Longer answers and many other questions are available with our subscriptions)

Before you begin – some helpful hints.

  • Consider your background. A neutral, tidy setting or plain white wall is best.
  • Lighting is important. We recommend recording during the daytime for natural lighting.
  • Dress code: Dress as you would normally dress! My Memories Box is about capturing you for yourself and family. (It is not an interview – it is the real YOU!)
  • Speak clearly and smile. First impressions count!
  • Don’t panic! If you’re not happy you can do a retake!
This interview is currently unavailable. Please ask the person who sent you this link to check their video interview settings.

Start Your Interview


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All questions answered.

You may use the above navigation bar to playback your answers and retake if necessary.

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